1. FICTION: A thoughtful email describing the completed novel. Please no query attachments, include all your contact information in the online email query, addressed to: info@baldibooks.com. If querying by snail mail, a thoughtful one-page letter describing the completed novel along with SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) for a response. Snail mail address is at the bottom of this page. Should we ask to read the novel, please send the entire manuscript pdf.
2. NONFICTION: A descriptive email query offering the questions you are raising in your proposal. Please no query attachments, include all your contact information in the online email query, addressed to: info@baldibooks.com. If querying by snail mail, a thoughtful one-page letter describing the questions you are raising in your proposal along with SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) for response.
Please allow at least two weeks for consideration of the query letter.
If we want to read your work, we may respond by email to your snail mail letter. Please include email address and phone number in your query letter.
Having responded with interest to your nonfiction query, we will ask for a PDF proposal.
A proposal includes:
• an introduction
• an annotated table of contents (offers a sense of structure/outline of the project)
• a chapter from the work in progress, usually the first chapter
• back matter: examples of other published articles, vita
comparables: are there similar books?
Market: audience, what you bring to the table, strategy
We assume you are contacting other agents.
Other tips:
Best foot forward: Include contact information.
Please make sure your manuscript is as clean, lean and mean as possible. Edit, edit, edit.
Please be patient, it takes time to read.
No reading fee.
It all depends on the writing.
Our interests include: | ||
General fiction Reference Biography Computers/technology Business/investing/finance |
Mind/body/spirit Travel Lifestyle Cookbooks Science |
Cultural history Literary fiction Gay/lesbian fiction Hybrid/creative nonfiction Memoir History |
I am looking for great nonfiction proposals about:
— what museums will be like in the future
— anything with anthropocene in the subtitle
— what it takes to become an architect
— what happens to art during bad times (like now)
We are not looking for:
Children’s, middle grade, young adult
Christian, religious work
Genre category fiction: science fiction, fantasy, westerns, mysteries, women’s romances, thrillers
Plays, teleplays or screenplays