
May 2020

In May, longtime client Peregrine White Jr. died from complications of cancer and COVID-19. His popular THE IDEA FACTORY: Learning to Think at MIT continues to be read by engineering students. Follow this link to read his obituary.

TINSELTOWN by William J. Mann is in development with Spectrum Originals! Read more here and here.

What is a weekend husband? Follow this link to find out in Patty Dann’s brilliant “About Love” column. How did Patty Dann come to write THE WRIGHT SISTER due out from Harper Perennial this summer? Click here to hear about it.

Reading is fundamental in the time of COVID-19.

Can’t go to the theater? Do you wanna dance?

Read DANCING MAN by Bob Avian, written with Tom Santopietro. Reading about dancing is the perfect proven armchair antidote for life in the time of

Can’t travel? Read Robin Hemley’s BORDERLINE CITIZEN (UNebraska) – a perfect world atlas of stories where everyone gets along, even on the border. » read a review

This summer 2020 reading offers two lyrical historical novels: Colin Hester’s DEATH & THE BUTTERFLY is coming from Counterpoint Press in June. Patty Dann’s THE WRIGHT SISTER, published by Harper Perennial in August, will make you rethink the events surrounding 9/11 and the Wright Brothers. Just as soon as Bill Mann’s THE CONTENDER (check out The 15 most fascinating revelations in The Contender: The Story of Marlon Brando) hit book shelves last fall, he signed a contract with Harper Collins for BACALL & BOGIE, the penultimate hetero normative duo is due in 2023. THE CONTENDER paperback is due out this fall from Harper Collins. Historical nonfiction is in the air — Tom Kepler’s riveting narrative about the history of the stately Il de France ocean liner is signed with the Lyons Press. Fordham University Press’ Empire State Series issues Matthew Spady’s THE NEIGHBORHOOD MANHATTAN FORGOT: Audubon Park and the Families Who Shaped It.

Can’t say what you really think? If so, it is imperative that you read Dey Street’s YES, I CAN SAY THAT: When They Come for the Comedians We are All in Trouble by Judy Gold due out this summer.

Wash your hands, get out the vote and work by remote.